New Standards


Old Standard

The old standards meant that a small amount of lead paint, an amount you could actually see, might be captured during the “dust test” on your window well. This level might still be below 400 micrograms/ft squared. The new standards are much more strict. The dust level for a floor are now less that 10 micrograms/ ft squared and window sills and floors must be below 100 micrograms/ ft squared. These are so small they can be considered microscopic.

Lead Poisoning in Maryland Drops

Childhood lead poisoning in Maryland drops as our state moves to respond to greater range of cases under more protective standard. Maryland is a national leader in reducing the risk of childhood lead poisoning from lead-based paint and dust. The state has made significant progress to reduce the number of children with elevated blood lead levels by more than 98% since 1996.

When you are ready for your next lead inspection, keep these new standards in mind. It would also be beneficial to wipe your window sills and floors using soap and water before the full risk reduction tests are taken. Cleaner surfaces mean less dust that may contain lead. If you have any questions about lead inspections feel free to contact Al Hallivis Licensed Experienced Visual Lead Inspector. Our company now offers Mold inspections, Radon Inspections and the XRF Lead Free Inspection and testing.

Childhood lead poisoning in Maryland drops as state moves to respond to greater range of cases under more protective standard.

Here is some quick information about the “new standards” that went into effect on July 1, 2020 involving the lower , more strict limits, on lead dust that a property must pass to receive their lead certificate. These new standards will affect the lead inspection you will need to pass when your current tenant(s) leave and new tenants arrive.

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